Thursday, December 31, 2009

a letter to new year!

If I were to write a letter (....and why not...???) to the new year , it would look like this :

"I have been waiting a long time for you to arrive, that's because I have planned to do many things that I didn't  get around to last year. You give me hope because you come around every year without fail and you come with no expectations...just a clean slate...its up to me to bring what i want to into this year and what I want to make of this time with you.

This year, I will take things slowly so I can savour each moment fully and see what gifts they bring me. I will spend more time being thankful for my blessings and for the people around me who love me so much! I also want to spend more time giving back to society and paying forward.

Thank you for coming back again renewed ( this is something I admire about matter what the world throws at always come back renewed !)  Thank you for giving me the  opportunity to do the same. You are a good year and I know now, that this a one time journey as you will never come back as 2010 again! I look forward to my time with you"

Happy New Year!

picture - courtesy of my blackberry , happened on its own..I call it new beginnings

1 comment:

  1. hi Lita, I'm Irene. Can u remember me?
    Sometimes, I've visited your blog and read some yours. Being late but happy new year, 2010! May God bestow his choicest blessings on you and always keeps his grace upon you.
