Friday, November 27, 2009

To love or not to love... its not even a question!

Someone I know from a distance is getting married today at the age of 21, my niece and my two children are helping her to make this day special for her. Us adults, on the other hand have stepped back in judgement and refused to look at it...hopefully it will go away....!!

I know I have my judgements about can they get married when they cant even afford a wedding...why do they want to get married when there nothing is certain these days!!!...??

I chose to sleep in this morning so I wont have to see any of this "drama" as my kids offered our house to the bride and groom to dress up before they go for the solemnization ceremony...but i couldn't resist looking out the window when they left....

My niece's boyfriend carried a big bouquet of flowers into the taxi that was waiting, followed by my son and then my niece, all carrying various things to make this day special for their friend.

Then it struck me children are "championing love"....who am I to judge whether they are doing the right thing or not. At least these kids are choosing love over drugs or something else destructive....I realised it is my own discomfort with love and cynicism that has coloured my perspective towards this whole situation.

Our opinions usually carry a charge behind them..just like electricity and the more strongly we feel about something , the greater the charge. These days, I stop myself if I have a negative opinion about something or somebody and I observe the thought instead.

Someone sent me a mail yesterday that talked about embracing our shadow self and how our internal thoughts are often reflected out into the world as mass consciousness. That thought alone compels me to be careful with my thoughts and where I spend my energy.

The mail went on to ask readers to think of any situation that causing them conflict and to say :

1. I love you ( accepting or embracing the situation )

2. I am sorry ( accepting responsibility and owning the situation)

3. Thank you ( expressing gratitude as things don't "press our buttons" unless we have something to learn from them)

Someone I work with was telling me that she was reading a book about a doctor who has had great success in healing his mental patients and all he did was to look at each individual case file and say these words... I love you , I am sorry , Thank you.

Does it work? ... It does for me....why because anything that opts for love over anger, hatred , cynicism or judgement.... is worthwhile.

My kids taught me that this morning, by ignoring me and just sticking to what they wanted to do even though they knew I didn't approve. Good on them... Here's to love and happiness whether its ever lasting or just a fleeting moment ... we are all richer for being touched by it!

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