Friday, November 20, 2009

Heads or Tails ...all part of the same beast!...

Masaru Emoto became known for his pictures of water crystals. He froze water and took pictures of them as they defrosted. He was interested in seeing if there was a difference between different types of water. He did all sorts of things like playing music to water , exposing water to specific words and then taking photographs of these water crystals. He found that water responded in a consistent way towards positive words like love and gratitude and they formed beautiful crystals. He also found that when water was exposed to microwave, heavy metal music or words like war, or anger, the crystals did not form fully, it was distorted.

But even more interesting was the fact that some of these crystals still looked beautiful, just that they seemed half formed or half distorted. Emoto concluded that perhaps this is because within war sits peace or the yearning for peace. That thought resonates with me as the opposite polarities of something still makes up the whole when put together.

Perhaps that is what happens to us quite often, when we seek something with a passion , for eg, when we seek peace , we create turbulence and unrest within ourselves before we can get to that peaceful place. And maybe that is the process of life, in the quest for oneness we have to face separation at times.... and no one is free of this ... as it is the law of the universe.

I learnt recently that the best way to resolve that turbulence/unrest inside us, is to accept it and face it. This is the opposite to what we have been taught. We have been taught to put any negative thought away and pretend that it never existed. But to say, " I am aware that I am feeling fear and I accept that part of me" helps me embrace a side of me that I dont portray to the world because it might make me look weak. When I think of some of the things that are happening around us now , I know that each of them is meant to bring our attention to what we need to work on or accept.

Out of separation comes wholeness, out of conflict comes peace, out of suffering comes joy... its just the flip side of the other, like a coin, the head and the tail....but its still a coin.

So I have learnt that instead of fighting against what's happening, that I can sit back and enjoy the process knowing that what i am looking for is in the making... and what I see in front of me is merely one part of the whole but its also evidence that my wishes are being manifested... its God's work in progress. My past experience tells me that the universe delivers a 100 times more than what I can ever ask for... way bigger and better than my wildest dreams!

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