Friday, January 15, 2010

part time dog....

I am setting up my home office- I will be working from home and working half time. Its an easy thing for me to do as one of the things I have learnt in running my own business for several years is that you don't get attached to anything. Everything has to keep moving.... changing shape and form...its a part of life. I have moved offices and houses so many times that I have lost count...the good thing about it, is that you get to clean up the "junk" that collects over time and cull.

This last office move was the same, whilst I got rid of many things, every item I chose to keep is a memory of some sort. When I sit in my new office, what i see are my friends ... I feel like I am surrounded by friends and loved ones... thats kind of special. Here's why.......the things i have chosen to keep are things that remind me of them.  some examples :

1. Amethyst geode - my acupuncturist carried it to my office and gave it to me, he selected it personally for me (  6 months ago)
2. Three kaleidoscopes -one  given to me by my sister and the other my business partner- both make me smile ( 20 years ago) a recent addition given by another close friend  ( 1 year ago)
3. A big porcelain plate with a "hundred children " theme - given by my good friend, she hand carried it from indonesia for me ( 10 years ago)
4. a small porcelain bird - given to me by an elderly lady I met whilst climbing the statue of liberty and we became friends, she has passed on since. ( 25 years ago)
5. A blue and white elephant tea pot - given to me by my assistant  (25 years ago)
4. A tiny porcelain statue of a chinese man that used to sit on one of my father's bonsai plants ( 1year + - he passed away about a year ago and he had it for 30 years)

There are so many other bits and pieces including the cupboard behind me...even that was given by friend.
 These items remind me of occasions.... christmas parties, shopping trips, travels and friendships.

At the end of the day its not about what business deals we won or targets we achieved, ... all that is gives us some excitement but it fades away over time. What stands out more in our minds are times when we felt loved or cared for ...its about friendships, special bonds ... and experiences...makes me feel very rich and very blessed...what else can a wandering dog ask for?

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