Saturday, December 19, 2009

Letting the day flow by...

Yesterday was a full on day and even though I had plans to walk on my treadmill, meditate and process my thoughts ( basically 'me' time)  before I got on with my day...I dropped everything and just did what needed to get done. I was hosting a lunch party at home for my office team and felt I needed to just dive into the day. Its the task master in me who creeps up every now and then. This morning, however, was different ...I did the reverse, I took my time,  made time for exercise, listened to music and had quiet time for myself to listen to my thoughts.... the difference amazing! Yesterday was good day ( but by the end of the day, I was irritable and a little listless) , but today everything just flowed and one thing melted into the other.
Even better ... is how I responded to this insight. In the past I would have made a pact with myself that from now on I will make sure that I always have  time for me. By doing that I would have set myself up for failure in the future and would have got really pissed off with myself or anyone else who ate into my 'me' time. Why?  ..because it is not possible to predict what will happen tomorrow and sometimes life has a way of throwing 'wild cards' at us. Instead of planning and scheming ways to hold on to what I consider as things I value in my life,  I had another perspective.  I realised that I was only able to appreciate the difference  between the two days because I experienced both of them in the first place. How would I know that today was better if I didnt have yesterday? And so , in my awareness , I just took a silent moment to appreciate all of it. I am glad I didnt have 'me' time yesterday and I am glad I had it today. I realise that all of it works for me because I am not that attached to an outcome or destination instead I am just enjoying the journey. As with nature, there is an ebb and flow in our lives. When we sit to watch the ocean, its nice when the waves come roaring in  and its also nice when it receeds and gives us that moment of peace and silence.... only to flow again ...
We dont set out to hold on to the waves that come in and not let it flow back into the ocean, we know it happens, we accept it as a natural process.  This is what  I learnt today, that its ok to have days that are perfect and days that are not so " perfect" because all of it serves a purpose and everything is exactly as it was meant to be.... PERFECT!!!

(above picture of the ocean was taken on a vacation to phuket in Thailand)

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