A friend said to me last night that I seem very distracted and I was thinking about it this morning. Lately a number of my friends have said that about me....this morning, I realised that I wasn't really distracted at all... I was very focused.
I am very focused on the future I would like to create for me and my family And....yes, I guess I am distracted too....when you are focused on something... you are distracted from things that sit outside the realm of your focus! I am sure someone has a name for this...maybe they may call it the law of polarity.
In everything we do and think, there are the two opposite polarities , for eg. one end of a thought process could be " its a beautiful world" , the other end maybe " the world sucks" ...and somewhere between these two sit most people who go for balance and the middle path..."well its not a good a world but its not that bad" Is this "mediocre" thinking ?... are we promoting mediocrity?
Its the neutrality, the need to walk the safe path and the attitude " don't bother me, leave me alone.. my world is OK" that makes us numb and makes us boring.
Because many people are afraid to take a stand, they prefer to "blend in" and in the process the become "blunt" , dull and "mediocre"
Great things... dramatic shifts happen at the fringes... some people call them the 'outliers' ... people who sit at the edges , who have strong views and who are passionate.... passionate enough to be sometimes seen as unpredictable or extreme. And sometimes we label these stands as good or bad by looking at them through our own limited filters ... but its just a position that one takes at a specific point in their life.
I have often been called extreme and a bit "crazy' because I tend to be a forerunner to go out explore new ways of thinking and perspectives. And I keep challenging my own thinking.. I am known to change my view point because it may no longer be relevant or have the same charge for me anymore. This confuses people around me because we are all bouncing off each others energy and if someone in our circle shifts then it disrupts the flow for everyone else involved.
But I am impatient with me and in my mind, I don't think that I am cutting edge fast in anyway... infact I think that I have become "numb" or "blunt" ...having children, I think, does that to you...because you need to think about "paying the bills" and keeping things stable... you don't want "to rock the boat"
I can see this in comparison to the person I was before I started a family. Maybe its an age thing ...when you are young , you tend to be more carefree but you don't have the benefit of wisdom... this is not a bad thing because I used to just rush into things like a "bull in a china shop" ...sometimes it worked! Somewhere in the middle , when I started my family, I became more fearful and concerned about stability...And now, at a different age, again I sense that urgency, need to make my life mean something. I am at an age now where I feel that I don't want to be just a consumer and leave this planet without adding to it in some remarkable way.... (because that would be a waste of a life and all the opportunities that life has given me) this is what drives me... this is what I am focused on... and maybe what's distracting me from the 'routines'...'polite conversations' and 'shallow pursuits'...don't get me wrong... I am not judging ...every part of our life is important as every experience adds to us no matter how "small or trivial" ... BUT at this point in my life, I am just so focused on what I am about to create that everything else seems secondary.
My intention is to make myself and the world around me phenomenally abundant and wealthy. I feel that this is my gift to the world and this is what i want to focus on. Wealth and abundance lifts us and makes us think about quality. We can make great changes in the planet and impact other people's life with an abundant mindset. Its how I live my life and its what i am known for... its what I need to do on a much larger scale. This requires my complete energy and focus...its all consuming..its about standing for my 'greatness' because each one of us owes it to life to shine in our greatness and live true to our essence.... this is why we are here, isn't it?
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