Today, I was given an 800 year old statue of Buddha with the most serene look and smile on his face. I consider this auspicious and maybe this Buddha's arrival is the mark of new beginnings and positive energies entering my life.
My sister asked me to write some affirmations for my new home ( that I am moving into tomorrow), she said that she wanted me to humour her and write a blog about affirmations. I think what she really wanted to do was to remind me of the power of thought and manifestation. The funny thing is that about a month ago I was introduced to this 800 year old Buddha...when i first saw the statue, I wanted to buy it and was interested in finding out what it cost till i saw the "sold" sign on the statue. The owner told me that he put a "sold" sign on it because he didn't want anyone to come into his shop and offer a price for this Buddha. To him , it was priceless and he wanted to find the Buddha a good home. I remember thinking , how beautiful the statue looked and I guess at some level I must have wanted it. One month later,I am sitting in the same shop , when the owner jumps out his seat and walks to the shelf where the Buddha is sitting. There are several Buddha statues on this shelf and almost instinctively I know that he is going to reach out to this one Buddha.He brings it to me and says " take him to your new home" ...I was overwhelmed ...almost to the point of tears. I was "teary" because I was touched my this man's generosity, I was also quite stunned by what I had just created.. at some level wish was heard by the universe.
When my sister wanted me to write a blog on affirmations, I know what she wanted to do was just to bring my 'scattered' energy back into a single minded focus as I have had a rather hectic time lately. She is right, writing this blog helped me to realise that, what happened to me today, was not a coincidence. It was meant to happen and yet I was a co-creator in that process. This is exactly what i need as i begin another new journey in my life, moving to my new home.
My affirmations for my home ( sista ...hope you are reading this!)
My home is filled with light and provides a supportive and safe place for all who live in it
My home is my sanctuary. It provides me nurturing space for me to rejuvenate
All is well in my home
I also decided to write my own house blessing .They say that there is power to the written word so I'm sending this out into the universe:
Dear God
Please protect our home with your light. let your light be present in every part of our house always. Please allow all energies that are not positive to go back to source or your light and bless our house with all that is good and all that supports the highest good of all those who live in our home.Infuse every wall and space in our home with your love, light and goodness. Only allow people who genuinely care for us or those who carry good intentions for us, to enter our home. Your light conquers all, please surround my children ,myself and anyone else who stays in our home with your light now and always.
All is well in my world and so it is.